PHS Choir Alumni Reunion Logo

PHS Girls' Chorus 1968-69

PHS Girls' Chorus Spring 1969

Can you identify these singers?  Help us fill in the blanks!
Third Row:  Janet Rohrbach, Joan Weigner, _______, Judith Blecher, Frances Cantermessner, Barbara Walsh, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______;

Second Row:  Uncle Norm, Linda Emmons, _______, _______, Beth Manni, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, Paula Stack, _______, _______, _______;

Front Row:  Gail Waelde, Linda Rohrbach, Renée Lane, Michelle Salwen, Donna Meltz, Nadine Bissett, Debbie Fink, Linda Schneider, _______, _______;

Seated at Piano:  Christine Marshall (accompanist)

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