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 "Reunion 2002" 
Dina's Photos:
July 25-28, 2002
(Courtesy Dina Weishaupt Dolegowski '83)

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The Roast - Howard Fields The Roast - Ellen Brager Ross The Roast - Judy Kurtz Herman The Roast - Scott Fergang The Roast - Bob Beodeker
The Roast - Alex Ishkanian The Roast - John Aynedjian The Roast - Norm gives a rebuttal
7-28-02 - Ellen presents Roberta with a gift 7-28-02 - Diana models the teeshirt given to the Friendly Feud winners 7-28-02 - Ruthie, Shelley, and Roberta sing 'Chopsticks' 7-28-02 - Dina and friends at the Sunday Farewell Brunch 7-28-02 - Norm and Dina at the Sunday Farewell Brunch
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