PHS Choir Alumni Reunion Logo

PHS Small Ensemble-Susquehanna University, Nov. 8, 1973

Small Ensemble-Susquehanna University, Nov. 8, 1973

Fourth Row:  Faith Heisler, Olga Nehrebecki, Patti Blom, Dave Gustavson, Carole Leavy, Jeff Avison, Tanya Nehrebecki, Chris Weiss, Bill Sanders, Claudia Geyer;

Third Row:  Mary Anne Weber, George Kral, Gail Carlson, Adam Samuels, Rita Blacker, Jon Schneider, Nancy Meyer, Wayne Deery, Ruthie Wiren, Greg Healy, Doreen Trombitas;

Second Row:  Uncle Norm, Tim Lepera, Dave Albrecht, Elliot Weinstein, Joan Greenzeig, Ellen Voltzow, Lee Miller, Laurie Seid, Andrew Neuman, Marc Greene, Frank Romero, Mary Solomon;

Front Row:  Gloria Fiore, Leslie Nathanson, Joyce Levy, Chris Wysocki, Lippy DeVito, Pam Geyer, Sharon Gallagher, Stacy Tanella, Carol Ferrigno, Patty Miller, Nancy Marks;

Not Shown:  Sheldon Bronstein, Maura Wyckoff, Lance Ochrym;

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