PHS Choir Alumni Reunion Logo

PHS Small Ensemble 1968-69

PHS Small Ensemble 1969

Can you identify these singers?  Help us fill in the blanks!
Fourth Row:  _______, _______, Linda Mehl, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______,;

Third Row:  John Deneka, Brigitta Clermont, Lois Bergsma, _______, _______, Michael Rosenbloom, Walter Sayre, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______,;

Second Row:  Uncle Norm, Barry Yarkoni, Lucille DeMartino, Diana Messarhakes, Chris Schulz, _______, _______, Lucretia Montemurro, Conny Lauzon?, Josh Novic;

Front Row:  Gary Nosti, _______, Beth Manni, _______, _______, _______, Heidi Petterson, Charlie Cintron;

Seated at Piano:  Marty Grogin (accompanist)

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