PHS Choir Alumni Reunion Logo

November 1978
"How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying"

(Courtesy David Comora '80)

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J.Pierpont Finch (Scott Fergang) Knocks over the boss, JB Biggley (David Comora)
Fergang and Comora perform a rousing "Grand Old Ivy."  Comora later goes on to distinguish himself in the fashion industry.
Eva Goldfarb demonstrates her passion for the "Noble Spirit."  This moment inspires her to pursue her doctorate in Human Sexuality.
Heddy LaRue (Alicia Cuccia) wows the executives as she auditions to become the World Wide Wicket Girl
Barbara Lundgren and Robert Zecker attempt to drown each other out during their duet.
Scott Fergang and Glenn George "Do It The Company Way" as Frank LeRose tries to remember his next line.
Who are they?
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